Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Swift Current, Sask.

Here I am at another spot on the map.  Driving out of Winnipeg today was like living last nights' CBC weather report with Clair Martin, although I wasn't nearly as well dressed as she is.  Last night I watched her with Danny and she talked of warm air coming from the south east into Man.  This morning as we stepped out of the house you could feel it.  As I left Winnipeg, the russet and green grasses by the side of the highway were all waving toward the north west and the geese were crossing my path at almost perfect right angles heading south. By the time I got into Sask., the wind was blowing so hard right out of the west that I had to stop the car and fasten down my bike because I saw it rise up in a way I'd never seen before.  It didn't help that I was driving on cruise at just under 120; the speed limit in Sask. is 110.  That and the fact that Rita sent me off with a strong cup of coffee and cream and enough muffins and cheese to last all day account for the fact that I made it all the way here.  Other factors were the gaining of an hour and the beauty of the rolling hills west on Moose Jaw and the wide blue sky.  I drove the last hour listening to Peggy Lee and letting my gaze wander over yonder.  I recommend Ann Patchett to anyone who hasn't read her, perhaps I'm the only one who hasn't.  I got a cd of her commencement address at Sarah Lawrence College out of the library before I left Ottawa and listened to it today.  It's wonderfully sane and imaginative; I'm going to read some of her novels now.

I stopped at a Super 8 just after a busload of seniors and had to take a smoking room, which I've been airing out for the last 2 hours.  It's not great, but the hot tub was relaxing and now that I have eaten in the Chinese restaurant across the highway, a not bad noodle dish although I could have had heavily breaded shrimp in shiny sauce, and settled into my pyjamas I'm ready to sleep.  


  1. We just dragged out the map to check your route. You are doing brilliantly. Also, you are a natural blogger - love your descriptions.

    I'm going to email my friends at Predator Ridge and get their phone number and will send you an email with their email address. What is your estimated date of arrival in Vernon?

    Safe travels and keep blogging,
    Barb and Rod

  2. Really enjoying your blogs, Jan. You write so beautifully that they are a pleasure to read...... almost like being there.
    Safe trip.
