Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Heading back west

Today I drove almost non stop from Ottawa to Sault Sainte Marie. I said good bye to Mela at about 7:15am, after spilling the coffee she had put in my travelling cup all over everything in my odds and ends bag. She filled my cup again, I set the Tom Tom and began an incident free day on the road. When I arrived in The Water Tower Inn in The Sault at about 4:20pm the Jays were losing their fifth game against Texas. Now I have had a sauna, cold shower, pummeling in a hot tub, dinner and watched the Jays beat the Rangers 6-3. The 7th inning was spectacular. So it's still, "Go Jays Go," and "Stop Harper."  The latest poles raise my hopes for the latter too.  I'll probably be in Winnipeg for election day. 
I was sad to say goodbye to my dear friends in Wakefield and Ottawa. I felt completely at home with them again. 
Tomorrow I will see Liz and Ross, this time in TB. I'm looking forward to that. If I arrive on time, Liz and I might make it to a movie. And then it's back to Danny and Rita's, my home away from home in Winnipeg. If all goes according to plan, Bill, his kids and I will meet in Elmwood Cemetery at 10:00am Sat. morning to bury mom and dad in the Boyce plot with dad's mom and dad. I thought we might not get it together,but it looks as if we might. If we do, I'll be happy.  

The Baughans around the table for our traditional delicious family dinner. This time it was Indian food and crème brulé for dessert. 

Caroline with the rude carrot that grew in her garden. 

Thanksgiving dinner at Pollock's. 

Blake and Margaux in the garden at Don and Mela's. 

Meanwhile, back in Vernon,

Hallowe'en approaches!!!!!😈👽😡💀

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