Monday, July 25, 2016

The heat's on

An orchardist said this morning on CBC that they had lost about a third of their cherry crop this year because of splitting caused by too much rain. But the heat seems to be here now, and although it's cloudy today, there's nothing but sun in the forecast. 

 The world situation is much gloomier: disturbed, angry, unemployed people grasping on to extreme causes and unleashing terrible violence while the powers that be take advantage of the chaos to instil fear and tighten their control, sometimes unsuccessfully.  Brexit was a surprise to David Cameron,  but Erdogan seems to be working the failed coup to his advantage. And as the Democratic Convention begins today with the revelation of an anti Sanders campaign by the party powerful, Trump must be jubilant. The vision of him head hunting and arm wrestling with Putin makes reality tv seem tame. And what are we doing selling arms to the Saudis?

Back in the Okanagan, I've been escaping to the hills and water that surround us. 

On the Twin Lakes hike, approaching the lakes below. 

Me on the shore of one of the lakes.  I didn't  jump in this year because there was more snow than ever. It came right into the lake at points. 

My kayak on the shore of Swan Lake. 

One of the many turtles I disturbed as I paddled  

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