Tuesday, January 17, 2017

More winter

The weather has continued to be colder than usual, but today was only -5 both up and down.  It felt warm when I did my little stretches on the back deck.  However, Miriam and I discovered when we got to Sovereign to ski that there was a mighty wind.  As usual it was most fierce in the parking lot.  Many sections of Carl Wyley were wind free and the trees were still hung with snow.  I had my longest ski of the season so far with Jane and Kaydonna on Sunday, 15.5km, which may not sound like much, but it's a steep climb up Aberdeen to the top at first.  The bonus was brilliant sun all the way.  

I've finally decided, after 12 months of missing classes and being noncommittal, to devote myself (not in any religious way of course) to Tai Chi.  There, I've said it.  I have condemned myself to really making an effort now.  It's part of my plan to do anything but bridge to keep my mind alive in old age.  But I'm afraid I left've it too late.  I've never been good at remembering people's names but now I'm terrible, I recently gave up my attempt to learn Korean because it was too hard and now I'm finding Tai Chi difficult to learn. Up to now, I've been blaming everything but my own thickness for not being able to remember  and coordinate the sequence of moves and the various foot, hand and body positions of each move, but no more.  Yesterday, I made up my mind to continue and today I started seriously practicing at home.  If this plus two hours a week of practice in my group doesn't produce some results by the end of the 4 month session I've just signed up for, I'll be facing some very unpleasant truths.  

I don't see a lot of the kids these days.  May and Jay are both working hard and the girls are teenagers.  Need I say more?  We hope to have dinner together this coming Sunday.  By then Trump will be pres. and Twitter may have gone under, to say nothing of all the coastal cities in the world.  Bleak thoughts on a dark winter evening.  

The Monashees from TJ's Corkscrew.  Mount Fostell is on the extreme right.  

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