Monday, February 20, 2017

An even bigger blaster

It's Monday, February 20 and the house is still hot and humming. It looks now as if the upstairs bathroom floor tile will have to be replaced and the hardwood in my bedroom sanded and rubbed again with whatever finish was used originally. I continue to couch surf around the house, choosing whatever location is the least hot and noisy.  For my third perch tonight,  I think I'll be on the closest thing to a real bed that I've slept on in almost two years, the memory foam from the basement futon that I recently bought for guests. It's is now on the floor in the spare room upstairs while the basement is being restored. Yesterday I resorted to some shop therapy to lift my spirits. I bought new winter boots at 50% off and two tops at Winners. If this job takes as long as Jay thinks it might, I could become the best dressed woman in Vernon.

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