Same old, same old and that ain’t all bad, not by a long shot. My little house is warm and safe. The friends I do the things I do with are still here , those who aren’t out of town, and we’re carrying on. Jay and his gang are well. Jay kept all the plants in the yard alive and only almost drowned one of the house plants. The kitchen stove is so close to death that I finally accepted the inevitable and bought a new one last week. That opening of the purse strings inspired another and another. Now I’m arranging to get the huge maple in the back yard cut back. It looks as if it was pollarded about 30 years ago and many of the new branches are like trees themselves, stretching precariously over fences and into neighbouring yards. I have arranged to have the gas stove and fireplace checked and serviced and the car’s fluids and tires changed for winter. The leaves are beginning to turn, and the days are so cool that on the last two hikes, after getting into a sweat on the uphill part I have been so cold during the lunch break that I have put on all the clothes in my pack for the walk back to the cars. Today we saw snow on Terrace Mountain so winter can’t be far off.
We had Thanksgiving dinner at Jay and May’s yesterday. I went over there at 2:00pm with my contributions. We worked together on the dinner, Jay, May and I that is. The girls did their girly things. We watched a movie, “The Dark Tower” starring Idris Elba, my hero from “The Wire”. Then we all gathered for a meal for which we were thankful.

Thanksgiving dinner

Dishes at sunset

Jin Hee fighting blackheads

Min Hee chilling
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