I went Xcountry skiing with Miriam about ten days ago; conditions were perfect at Sovereign. I was surprised at first by how tentative I was because of my right knee, which remains capable of giving me eye-crossing shots of pain if it's bent and weight put on it. However, after a little while on an easy trail, I felt more confident and moved at a moderate pace that satisfied me. We went all around Sovereign Trail and Woodland Bell, the two easiest trails. It felt great. Yesterday was a different story. I went to Silver Star with Mo and John. The day was cool and dull; the conditions were icy. I skied a short way, realized that I could easily get out of control and turned back. Mo and John carried on but even Mo who's usually buoyant about all life in the Okanagan said it was the worst ski she's had since she moved here. The only good that came out of the day for me was that I was finally convinced to pursue Mo's suggestion, which she's been repeating for months, that I see her friend Avis, a retired physiotherapist. I spent a couple of hours with the latter yesterday morning and now have a regime, taping my knee and doing numerous squats with a pillow between my knees, that gives me hope at least of improvement. After years of criticizing my dad to his face and behind his back for doing nothing to try to improve his knees, I came perilously close to following in his footsteps; I use the cliche figuratively because ultimately he couldn't walk. I don't want that to happen to me but I sure have his stubborn tendency to just push on through and damn all medical intervention. And this after having been pulled back from immobility many times by physiotherapists and saved by a surgeon from melanoma. Incorrigible. I like to identify with the crow, but I think the donkey is more my kin.
Jay on the other hand is perhaps too willing to submit to interventions. Thinking to ease the pain in his neck and shoulder and give some work to a Filipino friend of May's who does massage, etc., he was having weekly treatments at home. After one of them he was in such pain he could hardly move his head. When he showed up for work in spite of it, the HR person insisted on driving him to the hospital where he was examined and given a CT scan. Fortunately, it showed no serious injury and he too is now doing the exercises recommend by a physiotherapist.
May arrived home safe on Friday from Manila. There is no satisfactory solution to the awful murder of her brother, but she did what she could and the family and friends gave him a good funeral which eased their pain a bit because finding his body, shoeless on the street was horrific.

May, in black and white, at her brother Dexter's funeral.
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