On Wednesday evening May and the girls flew to Manila. They will live there for the foreseeable future, if anything about the future is ever foreseeable. As with every big change in life, this one has been preceded by a great deal of effort: trying to settle and stay in Canada, accepting the fact that it's not working for everyone, making the decision for May and the girls to return to the Philippines while Jay stays in Canada and continues working, at least for a while, and finally accomplishing the difficult tasks of paperwork and planning that will reverse all the effort that they put into emigrating to Canada. Again, Jay handled most of the planning and paperwork and May made arrangements for the girls' schooling here and in the Philippines, found a place for them in Manila and did the packing. My task was to drive the baggage to the airport while Jay drove the women in May's car. I have always bragged that a Mazda 3 has inner bigness, and it does, but this mission taxed it to the max. It was so weighted down that its usual passing pickup was severely limited. I had had a tearful farewell with the girls and May before we left the house, they had spent their last night here, so after Jay unloaded the luggage, I had a quick last hug with each and drove back to Vernon. Jay described the weighing in ceremony in the airport as a gong show. The suitcases were almost all over the 50lb. limit. May was loath to part with any of the treasures she had deftly crammed into the cases, so Jin Hee whose becoming her mom's equal in the area of taking charge started opening them, taking things out and passing them to Jay. Before they got down to acceptable weights, they had a big bag full of food items and other things deemed unwanted on the voyage by everyone but May. Jay drove back with it, once they were safely through the security check. He went to their place and worked off his complex emotions of sadness to see them go and relief that after all that he and May had been through they had actually succeeded in getting on their way. He and I are sharing our house again but this time alone. I don't know what will happen tomorrow.
Except that I will go to Saturday Tai Chi as usual in the morning and summer will come. Vernon is turning all the shades of fresh spring green. We have had two days in the high 20s.

Dinner together here on the night before May and the girls left.

The gang at the airport, looking a bit sad and stunned. The women are teary and Jay is waving at me although he's the only one who is not leaving.

A picture of a pond, a bit of town and the hills beyond that I took on a walk today.