l'm back to life in Vernon. I've gone on the first Sunday hike of the year with the VOC and led the first Tuesday ramble to Goose Lake. Jay, May and the girls and a friend of theirs from Chicago who was visiting them with her young daughter came here for Easter dinner. They brought most of the food; I just made scalloped potatoes and speculoos cookies. Now I'm waiting for my fellow worms to arrive for the April bookclub meeting here. We will be drinking wine, eating 'appies' and talking about the book I chose, "Swing Time"by Zadie Smith. This is the Facebook, Snapchat, my-life's-perfect resumé which glosses over other elements that would flesh out the tale and make it more human but less readily digestible. So I will imagine my mother is here saying, "Spare me the details, Jan".

The Ramblers on the Anderson Ranch, one of my favourite places in the Vernon area, for the Goose Lake Ramble. It started well, but by lunch time there was a cold wind blowing so I had to find a sheltered hollow for us to huddle and eat in instead of the hilltop with the view.

A poor porcupine, windblown and threatened by the ranch owner's dog that had accompanied us on the ramble. We had to fend the dog off with hiking poles and lead him away by the collar. But the owner told me later that the dog lost most of the battles between the two so we hadn't saved the porcupine but had saved her a bit in veterinary bills.

Jay carving the end of the ham he brought to our Easter dinner

The women Jay had Easter dinner with
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