The weather in Victoria has been perfect by my standards, low 20s with sun and cloud, mostly sun. Barbara and Terry and I watched most of the Victoria Day Parade from a good curb side spot near its starting point. We've had long chats and coffee every morning,and I joined them for another dinner; Barbara made a delicious penne and pork tenderloin.
I've spent more time looking at ebikes than I've ever spent shopping for anything. I test rode one the other day, but have finally decided not to pull the trigger yet. I want to wait and buy it in Vernon after consulting with more friends. This will involve opening my wallet really wide, and I'll need help for that.
Today I took the kayak out again, and with more success because I calmed down, took my time and aimed higher. Some women I met on the Wells Gray hike trip told me about the rule of 80%. You can make it if you try; but to get through the last 20% takes supreme effort. I realized that I often settle for less than 80%. I'm impatient. But today I tried. It took a while, but I was proud to see how good she looked pumped up properly. I was getting in off a dock in the Gorge near Barbara and Terry's this time, so was not about to drop into a kayak that looked like a withered old birthday balloon. All went well. And it was much easier to paddle properly inflated. I had a great time going along the Gorge and around the Inner Harbour. I thought of getting out at Fisherman's Wharf for lunch but as I didn't have a rope to attach to the dock, I couldn't, in spite of the fact that a young couple tried to help me by looking for a rope. At the end of the paddle I was happy to see that a young man was on the dock where I had to get out. That was more difficult than getting in. He didn't do anything, but I was glad that someone strong was watching me struggle just in case I fell in.

With Barbara and Terry watching the Victoria Day Parade

The Port Hope dock yards near B and T's, as seen from the kayak. The yards have been here a long time but most of the tall apartments and the town houses behind it in Vic West have been built since I started coming to visit.

The interesting ship of this kayak trip. I have had fun finding out about it. It's named Scout 11. All luxury yachts like it can be traced on line, up to a point. I was even able to get the longitude and latitude of its location on May 22, and when I looked it up it is Victoria.

It's flying the flag of the Marshall Islands so is probably owned by an American.
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