Monday, April 22, 2019


Easter Monday began a bit flat, probably because it was a cool, grey morning and I was coming down after gorging on chocolate last night. Yesterday was warm and sunny. Mo, John and I scouted the Sugarloaf hike that I will lead on Sunday, May 12. It was a good day. Then I went to their place for a hot tub and Easter dinner. I provided the appetizer, beer and a dark chocolate bunny for each of us. Still , 'all good'. While with them, I was restrained and only ate the ears off mine, but when I got home I finished the whole thing while watching one of my shows on the PVR. 😧 I can't believe I ate the whole thing. I slept well until about 4:00am when I woke with a headache, took an aspirin and went back to bed to dream some vivid, unpleasant and now forgotten dreams. After coffee, a sensible breakfast and working in the yard for a few hours, I feel better. If Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, I guess the least I can do is recover from an excess of Easter chocolate on Monday. 

No more news about the easement. My lawnmower seems to have cut its last blade of grass. I'm thinking of replacing it with a cordless whipper snipper because I have enlarged the gardens so much that I have hardly any lawn left. 

I've been thinking for ages of taking the train from Kamloops to Ottawa. A few minutes ago I made the first real moves in that direction. We'll see if I ever actually make the trip. 

Near the top of the Sugarloaf hike looking south, with Lake Okanagan below

Mo and John at the lunch spot

The dreaded chocolate bunnies

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