Friday, March 20, 2020

I decided to check my emails before getting out of bed this morning. 

I won't do that again. 

The first one was from Sovereign Lake announcing that they have had to close operations completely as of today. Given the present state of the world, that's a very small thing, but if I remember correctly, Ivan Denisovich said that people don't drown in the ocean; they drown in teacups. And that news was my teacup. I didn't even want to get out of bed. Fortunately I did and went on the CFUW social distancing walk along the rail trail. It was a beautiful day and a good walk. As we were spaced quite far apart, there wasn't much talking. I kept looking around and seeing how vegetation loses its colour and withers over the winter. It was all around me until I came upon a bright little yellow flower surrounded by some shiny green leaves. What a hopeful sign. It will keep me from drowning for a while. 

I hope we all keep on truckin'. 

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