We had a wonderful early spring and a wet late spring and early summer. Now it's Okanagan summer with all that that entails in the way of sun and fun. The locals are happy. The Albertans are back. Many locals are not happy about that. This is the summer long weekend. The beaches are crowded with people lazing on towels or just offshore on enormous bright coloured floaties. Water levels are down now, so motor boats are roaring around the lakes again. Strangely, the price of gas is also down to $105.9 a litre. That's lower than it was last week. Usually prices go up during the summer holidays. Maybe the gas companies are giving people a break in this time of Covid 19; although, that's uncharacteristic of them. Or are they desperate to keep their gas guzzling, big boat and vehicle supporters on side in these days of less travel and increasing concern about the environment? Whatever the explanation is, the heat is on in the Okanagan to such an extent that Kelowna has had a spike in Covid cases in the last while. It now has a newly hired and trained Covid brigade patrolling its streets and beaches reminding people to remember Dr. Bonnie Henry's words: Be calm. Be polite. Maintain physical distance. Wash your hands, etc., etc. I wish them well. It's not going to be easy to keep high powered, skimpily dressed, drinking, drugging summer funsters calm and apart.
I of course am not numbered among the funsters. But I do enjoy the shoulder hours of the day: walking, biking and kayaking before noon; weeding and watering the yard in the evening. I open every window at night and close them all in the morning. In the heat of the day I close the blinds and sit or lie down in front of a fan to read or refresh (snooze). 😂Ah, the quiet joys of old age. I continue to try not to use the air conditioning. I have many justifications for that, ranging from believing that the artificial coolness followed by excessive heat is bad for the health to saying that we have a short season of real heat and I want to fully experience it. Increasingly I can add concern for the environment to the list. And there is also the fact that I have more trouble than most parting with 💰.
Lusia and I on a morning walk along the BX Creek to the falls, one of the shadiest places in Vernon.
Mo in her new kayak on our first breakfast paddle on Swan Lake
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