Saturday, May 8, 2021

The sky is blue

The sun is dappling every surface in the sun room where I'm now relaxing. 

The washing machine toiled away at the laundry while I stretched and crunched through physiotherapy exercises and some new isometric exercises that Jay suggested I try after I told him that I had not been able to do a push up the other day. My legs are strong but my arms ain't. However, I should be able to do a few push ups, at least from the knees. 

Jay's image of me lifting weights 

I hung the laundry on the line outside for the first time in 2021.

Albert and Caroline bought and installed that line for me when they stayed here a few years ago. I have enjoyed using it ever since. Fortunately the the horse chestnut tree is almost fully in leaf so I don't think my new back neighbour, her son and male friend were able to see me. I hope not because I was wearing my pyjamas. I still jsometimes forget that I have neighbours who might see me when I'm out in the yard. I've never been a quick study. Anyway, one of the things that I like about living on this street is the contact I have with young neighbours and their children who visit me and play with some of Jay's old toys. So maybe I'm just doing my part by being the elder ( I prefer that to old lady) who entertains them in her turn by wandering around the yard in whatever she happens to be wearing. 

My laundry. It's a long way from meeting the standards that Miche told me the women of Hull were held to when she was young. 

Since I bought my inflatable kayak about six years ago, I have always launched it in May in the Gorge near Terry and Barbara's.  Sadly, Barbara is no longer with us. I miss her. Terry and I have kept in touch through email, and he invited me to visit and stay in the flat this May, which I was going to do until Bonnie Henry lowered the boom. BC residents are not allowed to leave their health district unless absolutely necessary until the end of May. The police are enforcing the mandate with stops on major routes between health regions. The one that would get me is at Boston Bar on the Coquihalla. So l will be inflating the kayak for the first time in 2021 on the shores of Swan Lake tomorrow. Since I bought it, four women I know have bought them. We plan to try different lakes in the area this summer. 

Llamas we biked by the other day

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