Monday, February 28, 2011


It’s Monday, February 28, 2011, Blake’s birthday.  I think he might be fortunate enough to be celebrating it in Thunder Bay.  My day began early and well, talking with Jay on Skype.   Then at around 8:30 Bert and Peg’s daughter Caroline, her husband Cory and their 3 children left for home in Calgary after spending 5 days visiting and curling.  Caroline and Cory entered the Ogopogo Mixed on Bert’s team; they finished first on the ‘B’ side and practically financed their trip with the winnings.  I’m going to miss my 2 room-mates.  Adam and Nora slept downstairs with me, and it already seems still and quiet without them.  I enjoyed the noise and confusion for a while.  Now my thoughts turn to packing for Hawaii.

It’s colder than usual for the end of February in Kelowna, but I’ve carried on walking because there’s very little snow on the ground and it’s often sunny.   Part of the waterfront walk in Kelowna is called ‘Simpson Walk’. At first I took a picture of the sign because it made me think of Jay and his love of  ‘The Simpsons’, but I soon discovered that it commemorates a man whom I would like to thank because he left the trust that keeps Knox Mountain in the wonderful natural condition that it’s in today.  Also the smell of fresh-cut lumber from the Tolco Industries’ yard that I enjoy inhaling as it wafts across many parts of the lake walk is directly attributable to him; his was the original sawmill at that site.  Walking again along Mission Creek has inspired me to doggerel.

                                    The Creek in February

Shadows of pines on bright sand cliffs,
nature’s hieroglyphs,
recounting a story of erosion and growth,
ephemeral and eternal.

Sounds of water splashing over rocks,
burbling under crackling ice,
nor ‘can foot feel being shod’
ear hear being filled
with some device.

A woman shifts slowly not wanting to slip,
a young man brazenly leaves the path
to tread on the creek’s thin crust,
breaks through to water he insists is warm,
and both are pleased to be
unplugged in the sun.

Not Homer's 

But Stanley's

Bathers near Simpson Walk

Beach wear in Kelowna in February

My room-mates, Nora on the left with her tongue out and Adam with the gun, at the curling rink with their sister Holly and mom and dad

The winners on the 'B' side of the Ogopogo Mixed: Cory, Jeanette, Caroline and Bert.  The skip holds the dough.

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