Saturday, September 5, 2015

Back to the east

Saturday, Sept. 5
I hugged May and Jay goodbye in our driveway and started driving east at about 7:30am this morning. The girls were still asleep. I was sad to leave them all, but the house is in good hands, and I can't help but be excited when I begin a trip. It was a bright, cool morning as I left Vernon and continued so through the lightly snow-topped mountains around Revelstoke. But by Golden all had darkened, the temperature was 4c and the rain began pouring down. It didn't stop until just after I was settled in The Plains Motel in Brooks, Alberta at around 6:00pm Mountain Time. I walked to Gus' Restaurant next door without having to open my umbrella, had ministrone soup and a good Greek salad there, walked back and to the motel sauna in relatively little rain and then returned to my room just as it poured again.  I was happy because the shower in the sauna room hadn't looked inviting, so I was still 'glowing' in my bathing suit. By the time I got back to the room I felt really refreshed. 

This is all I saw of the Rockies. Oh well, I imagine they'll still be there when I drive through on my way home. 

This is what I listened to as I drove today. Perfect for a downpour. 

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