Still no snow in town, but the weather's been dreary. I'm on a bit of a mission to use my dual cross country pass because I'm planning to spend about a month in Mexico this winter, so I've been skiing at Sovereign and Silver Star, a total of 7 times so far. The conditions have been pretty good. Tomorrow I will meet Priscilla at the Schubert Centre at 10:00 am to join a group that gathers there to belt out popular songs whether they can sing or not. We went last Tuesday for the first time, and the woman sitting beside me changed seats at the break. It made me wonder about my voice, and my suspicions were confirmed on Wednesday when I tried singing alone in the car as I drove to organize books for the FOL. I sounded off tune and time. My sounds are to singing as a ducks waddle is to a gazelle's leap. But I'm going back hoping that I won't clear the room and that maybe with a bit of exercise my vocal chords will vibrate more tunefully. We'll go skiing again after singing. I'm marginally better at the former.
The last three books I've read have dealt with the state of the USA today and how it got there. I've found them all fascinating, but the one I'm reading now is the best.

Listening to the news and reading these books drove me to decorate for Christmas on Sunday just to lighten the tone. I discovered when I went to the storage space under the basement stairs to get the tree that it was too big and heavy for me to move alone, but fortunately Jay had organized the space before he left and their smaller tree was also there. So now it stands decorated but unlit beside the fireplace. I also put up the window lights and other festive stuff. I'm not going to turn anything on until December 1, but having the tinsel Christmas colour all around has raised my spirits.

Even the plants in the sun room look brighter

Jay and May with her brother's two boys at a wedding in Seoul. They have finally moved into their own apartment.

Jay hiking with Frank in the hills around Seoul
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