The temperature has been in the minuses but not really low and still no snow in town. Barbara Steers and I are well into the planning of our trip to Mexico City and a one week Spanish course in Querétaro. After that, we will fly from Leon to Puerto Vallarta. I have already booked a dental appointment for January 21, the same day that Carolyn Baughan has an appointment with Dr. Adan. I know this because we've emailed each other a bit about meeting in PV. They've invited me to stay with them while I'm in PV. After that, I will spend a bit of time in La Penita with Barb and then return to Vernon. This Christmas will be quiet, and I will miss Jay and the gang, but Miriam and I are going to make Christmas dinner together at their place. With a couple of other outings and this trip in the offing, the future looks about as bright as and less blurry than these lights that surround me now.
Jay now has an apartment with May, a gym membership and one teaching job. It's not full time, but with the visa he has this time he will be able to put together a few different things.

The Starry Tree

Miriam and other CFUW friends on the snowshoe trail last Friday

A quail on the trail, I think 🤔 💭
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